Monday, 16 September 2013

Aging Population and Population Drop in Germany

Germany is currently in a position where a large percentage of the population are retired or elderly,this combined with the declining population has caused quite a concern for their government. Their population is predicted to drop by a huge 20% in the next sixty years. This population decrease can have several negative affects on the country such as there is not enough people for all the jobs that need doing. But the ageing population is possibly a more concerning issue, as between 2012 and 2029 the federal retirement age will be raised from 65 to 67, which is aimed to increase the size of the working-age population.  Other measures to slow this negative trend have included increased financial assistance to families with children, the subsidization of childcare, and immigration reform.  However, these policies have generated little growth.  In order for this trend to be reversed, progressive strides must be made in immigration reform. So far Germany have invested a lot of money into trying to slow down and revert the falling population  but it is proving extremely difficult.

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